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Activities for EYFS Areas of Learning


Lily Pad Game


This is a simple game that you can develop to the age and ability of the children.

Small carpet squares for the lily pads, preferably green but it doesn't matter - Pop along to your local carpet shop, I'm sure they would be happy to give you one of their old, out of date carpet sample books if you explain that it is for use with the children.

Simply place the carpet squares around the room or outside in the garden if the weather is fine.

Get the children to pretend to be frogs and hop from lily pad to lily pad.

Great to use during a nature theme - talk about frogs and how they jump, where they live etc.

For older children you could number the lily pads with permanent marker and shout "John to lily pad 1" etc.

Great physical exercise - really wears them out!


Caution - Ensure that the backing of the carpet does not slip on your own carpet or on the grass - those with non slip backing are ideal.


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